
Commit to CSR: Phone Régie all players…

At Phone Regie, we decided that our impact would be positive.

With the participation of our employees, who are always as numerous in our projects, and in coherence with the values of our Armonia group, we are developing a meaningful CSR policy that relies on commitment and collective action. We see our CSR approach as a foundation, a performance factor that must above all enlighten our corporate project.

We want our actions to be anchored in our territories and progressive, enabling a step-by-step commitment.

To learn more about Phone Régie's commitments and values, we invite you to watch the message from Marion Wilbois, CSR Quality and Image Clothing Department Director, and to discover our new edition of ACTION RSE.


Phone Régie, a brand of the Armonia group, is a specialist in corporate reception. Our activities are divided into 3 areas of expertise: visitors reception & telephone support (receptionist), concierge & employee well-being, customer relations centre (teleconsulting).